Personal Security Logo
Personal Security Logo
Personal Security Logo

Policy for the Health & Safety of the Employess

Policy for the Health & Safety of the Employess

The company Personal Security, as a technical support services provider of security systems and monitoring systems through the Central Signal Receiving Station & patrols, has as its main policy to operate in a manner that respects health & safety at work, preventing and reducing the impacts of its activities and minimizing risks to the health & safety of its employees and visitors.

Specifically, it is committed to:

  • comply with all legal and other requirements related to its activities concerning occupational health & safety and regularly assess its level of compliance

  • take all necessary feasible measures to prevent accidents and illnesses in the workplace

  • establish objectives and targets as well as programs that are systematically reviewed, seeking continuous and further improvement of the company's performance in the areas of occupational health & safety,

  • cooperate with national and local authorities responsible for occupational health & safety,

  • sensitize interested parties on occupational health & safety issues.

  • communicate its policy to interested parties

The Personal Security Policy is achieved through the implementation of the Occupational Health & Safety Management System that satisfies the requirements of the ISO 45001:2018 standard

The framework and mechanism for determining and reviewing the objectives and targets are set during the regular reviews of the System by Management.