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Personal Security Logo

Personal Data Protection

Personal Data Protection

This policy includes information about the collection, use, disclosure, and protection of your personal data. Any changes to this policy will be posted on our website.


  1. Collection of personal data:

We collect personal data when:

  • You subscribe to the services offered by Personal Security.

  • You ask for information about a product or service provided, or you contact us to ask questions or make complaints.

  • You sign up for newsletter services.

  • You visit or navigate the Personal Security website (cookies).

The information we collect from you depends on the Personal Security services to which you have subscribed or used. The information we collect from you includes (but is not limited to) the following:

  • Name, address, telephone, and email address.

  • Our communication with you, such as recording a call made to and from our call center, an email, or a written letter.

  • Information about your account (such as payment dates, registration for services you use, or any other information associated with an account).

  • Your preferences for specific services or products, if you disclose them to us.

In addition, we collect information about how you use our services and products, such as:

  • The phone numbers of third parties that you have provided for emergency cases and that our Company uses exclusively for this purpose.

  • Information related to the use of our website from your mobile or computer. We use cookies to collect information about how you use our website, recording details that will allow us to recognize you the next time you visit our website.

  1. Use of your personal data

We process your personal data for various purposes, such as:

  • To provide you with our products and services.

  • Invoicing for the services and products we offer you, and for the settlement of your accounts.

  • To provide you with information about the progress of your subscription requests.

  • To inform you in general about new services and products (unless you do not wish to receive promotional messages).

  • To answer your questions or concerns regarding the use of our products or services.

When visiting our Company's premises, we collect closed circuit television (CCTV) image data for security and prevention of unlawful actions.

We will store your data for the period provided by the relevant legislation. If we are not legally obligated to do so, we will delete your data as soon as the purpose of their processing ceases to exist. However, we will retain some of your personal data for a reasonable period after the termination of our cooperation, in case you wish to use our services again. We may contact you within this reasonable period in order to inform you about Personal Security services, unless you do not wish to receive information about our promotional activities.


  1. Disclosure of your personal data

We may disclose personal data concerning you, to:

  • Judicial or law enforcement authorities, to whom we are obliged to provide information when authorized by law to request it, to protect against fraud, to protect our customers, or to defend our rights.

  • Emergency services (Fire Department – EKAB - EKAV), or third parties you have indicated for your protection.

  • Collaborating professionals - private installers, whom you have chosen for the technical support (installation, maintenance, etc.) of the system installed in your premises.


  1. Protection of your personal data

Personal Security continuously improves technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized use, accidental loss, dissemination, or destruction.

In cases where an organization, a company, or a collaborating professional - private individual provides services to us or on our behalf, for which personal data processing is required, we ensure that appropriate protection measures (technical and organizational measures) are applied and the data are processed only based on Personal Security guidelines and directions and only for the purposes we have defined. If required, we carry out appropriate audits to ensure the compliance of the above-mentioned partners with the criteria we have set.


  1. Your rights

You can contact us to explain which personal data concerning you we retain, and the exact way we process it. In addition, you can request a copy of your personal data at any time.

If you believe your data is inaccurate, please contact us so that we can make the necessary corrections. If you believe that your data are not being processed for a specific and legitimate purpose, you can ask us to delete it.

You can also ask us to suspend the processing of your personal data, or to object to it for your own reasons. You can request to be exempted from promotional activities, or choose to be exempted from certain forms of communication for promotional purposes (such as email, telephone, etc.).


  1. Contact information

For any information regarding your personal data, as well as to exercise any of the above-mentioned rights, you can contact us by phone at 210 8068675, or via email at, or by written letter to the mailing address Mesogeion 99, Marousi, Athens, Postal Code 151 26, Attention Data Protection Officer (DPO). Personal Security is committed to responding to your requests within one month of their submission.


  1. Right to appeal to the Authority

If you have exercised any or all of your rights for data protection and still feel that your concerns regarding the way we use your personal data have not been adequately addressed by us, you have the right to submit a complaint to the Hellenic Data Protection Authority, Kifisias 1-3, Postal Code 115 23, Athens. You can find information on how to submit complaints on the Authority's website (

  1. Use of your personal data

We process your personal data for various purposes, such as:

  • To provide you with our products and services.

  • Invoicing for the services and products we offer you, and for the settlement of your accounts.

  • To provide you with information about the progress of your subscription requests.

  • To inform you in general about new services and products (unless you do not wish to receive promotional messages).

  • To answer your questions or concerns regarding the use of our products or services.

When visiting our Company's premises, we collect closed circuit television (CCTV) image data for security and prevention of unlawful actions.

We will store your data for the period provided by the relevant legislation. If we are not legally obligated to do so, we will delete your data as soon as the purpose of their processing ceases to exist. However, we will retain some of your personal data for a reasonable period after the termination of our cooperation, in case you wish to use our services again. We may contact you within this reasonable period in order to inform you about Personal Security services, unless you do not wish to receive information about our promotional activities.


  1. Disclosure of your personal data

We may disclose personal data concerning you, to:

  • Judicial or law enforcement authorities, to whom we are obliged to provide information when authorized by law to request it, to protect against fraud, to protect our customers, or to defend our rights.

  • Emergency services (Fire Department – EKAB - EKAV), or third parties you have indicated for your protection.

  • Collaborating professionals - private installers, whom you have chosen for the technical support (installation, maintenance, etc.) of the system installed in your premises.


  1. Protection of your personal data

Personal Security continuously improves technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized use, accidental loss, dissemination, or destruction.

In cases where an organization, a company, or a collaborating professional - private individual provides services to us or on our behalf, for which personal data processing is required, we ensure that appropriate protection measures (technical and organizational measures) are applied and the data are processed only based on Personal Security guidelines and directions and only for the purposes we have defined. If required, we carry out appropriate audits to ensure the compliance of the above-mentioned partners with the criteria we have set.


  1. Your rights

You can contact us to explain which personal data concerning you we retain, and the exact way we process it. In addition, you can request a copy of your personal data at any time.

If you believe your data is inaccurate, please contact us so that we can make the necessary corrections. If you believe that your data are not being processed for a specific and legitimate purpose, you can ask us to delete it.

You can also ask us to suspend the processing of your personal data, or to object to it for your own reasons. You can request to be exempted from promotional activities, or choose to be exempted from certain forms of communication for promotional purposes (such as email, telephone, etc.).


  1. Contact information

For any information regarding your personal data, as well as to exercise any of the above-mentioned rights, you can contact us by phone at 210 8068675, or via email at, or by written letter to the mailing address Mesogeion 99, Marousi, Athens, Postal Code 151 26, Attention Data Protection Officer (DPO). Personal Security is committed to responding to your requests within one month of their submission.


  1. Right to appeal to the Authority

If you have exercised any or all of your rights for data protection and still feel that your concerns regarding the way we use your personal data have not been adequately addressed by us, you have the right to submit a complaint to the Hellenic Data Protection Authority, Kifisias 1-3, Postal Code 115 23, Athens. You can find information on how to submit complaints on the Authority's website (